Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 6.xx
  • CitectHMI 6.xx

I want to see the information pulled across onto my PC when I run my Web Client from an Internet Browser. I want to confirm files were passed using the and the, as well as confirm some Citect.ini parameters, but I am unable to locate this information. Also, I may want to change this from the default location, how do I do this?

By Default the Web Client places the information in the following location:

C:\Documents and Settings\User_Name\Local Settings\Temp\Citect\Project_Name

The Web Client downloads required project files on-demand. The WebClient uses the Environment Variable %TMP% (not %TEMP% although these are usually pointing at the same location) to determine where to save the project information, by default in XP the System Properties / Environment Variable is pointing to the following location:

C:\Documents and Settings\<User_Name>\Local Settings\Temp\

The WebClient will then create a folder called 'Citect' and a subfolder of the Deployment name. Within this folder will be folders with the Project and Include project names.

%TMP%\Citect\<Deployment Name>
%TMP%\Citect\<Deployment Name>\<ProjectName>
%TMP%\Citect\<Deployment Name>\<InclProjectName>

The %TMP% folder can be changed to point to any other location in the Control Panel / System / Advanced Tab / Environmental Variables, however, this will effect all programs that use this %TMP% folder, not just Citect.


Webclient Web Server Path location locations Citect.ini  
