Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA
  • CitectHMI

There is a 5 minute delay from when the ABTCP IODevice is enabled (IODeviceControl(“Name”,1,0) ) until communications first start displaying, when using an using an Ethernet to Serial converter that converts ABTCP5 to KE/DF1 (Digi IAP module).  


To resolve this issue the following Special Options parameters should be used on the Boards form with the latest TCPIP driver used.

A: Allows the TCPIP driver to be used from Cicode.
K: Set the socket keepalive flag. (SO_KEEPALIVE)
RC: Activates the reconnection retries on the reception of a close event. (FD_CLOSE)
(FD_CLOSE) is only received if the Keepalive option is activated.

The RC: special options paramter can typcically resolve issues where the TCP/IP driver is notified of the connection close.(FD_CLOSE)


