Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA


How do I generate logs to help debug the OPC driver?


Additional ABCLX-style logging ability was added to the OPC driver v1.11.20.001 and later to augment driver trace logging.


The following citect.ini file parameters are used to enable the additional ABCLX-style logging.
The logging produces a log file OPC.LOG in the WINDOWS directory. In V7 the log file name is in the form OPC.<cluster>.<ioserver>.LOG.


    Default Value: ALL 
    Allowed Values: ALL, (GLOBAL) [include the round brackets] or any combination of I/O device names and (GLOBAL) separated by | characters. 
    Function: This parameter controls which units logging is performed for. Multiple units can be specified. Debug messages that do not related 
    to a specific unit are logged against the (GLOBAL) unit.

    Default Value: (empty)
    Allowed Values: ALL or any combination of TAG PROT DCB CACHE THRD MISC FEND BEND separated by | characters.
    Function: This parameter controls which categories of log message are written to the log file.

    Default Value: (empty)
    Allowed Values: ALL or any combination of WARN ERROR TRACE DEBUG separated by | characters.
    Function: This parameter controls which levels of log message are written to the log file.

    Default Value: 5000
    Allowed Values: Any positive integer value.
    Function: This parameter controls maximum size of the OPC.log file. The size is specified in kilo-bytes.

    Default Value: 0
    Allowed Values: 0 or 1 (boolean flag) 
    Function: This parameter controls the log file rollover process. If the parameter is set to 0 (the default) when the log file reaches 
    the size specified by [OPC]LogFileSize it will be rolled over into a file called OPC.bak. If the parameter is set of 1 the when the 
    log file reaches the size specified by [OPC]LogFileSize it will be rolled over into time stamped a file called 
    OPC_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.log, where the timestamp is the time the rollover occurred, not when the log file was originally opened.

It is recommended to delete the OPC.log before starting a test to ensure a clean log. Also check the quality and connection from the OPC
server to Citect by using a thin OPC client such as from FactorySoft.

In the [OPC] section of the following parameters could be added to help capture OPC issues.

DebugUnits = ALL
DebugCategory = ALL
DebugLevel = ALL
LogFileSize = 5000
LogTagInfo = 1


