Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA
  • CitectSCADA WebClient v6.0 - v7.0


On a WebServer PC, I cannot load the Edit Deployment page successfully. When I go to the Edit Deployment Page, the following Error MessageBox pops up.

After selecting OK this error is in the top right of the screen, and the Cab-File drop-down box does not populate with the available CAB files.:



Citect uses XML to create a list of available CAB files, and populates the Drop-Down box via this XML list. For some reason, the creation of this XMLDOM object has failed.

In this particular case, we found that the resolution was to re-register the Microsoft Windows DLL, scrrun.dll. This is the MicroSoft Scripting Runtime DLL, and contains functionality required by the XMLDOM operation.

On the WebServer, running the following code from the CMD Prompt resolved this issue:

regsvr32 %WinDir%\System32\scrrun.dll  

