Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA


I'm trying to connect to some OPC server and recieve an error code in the range 0x80000000 what does it mean?



These are typically COM error codes, this is a technology not limited to OPC and may be applicable to other areas like OLE Automation etc

Following is a complete list

Automation   Automation
  Error		Error
  in Decimal   in Hex	 Error Description
-2147418113 (8000FFFF)	Catastrophic failure.
-2147942413 (8007000D)	The Data is invalid.
-2147467263 (80004001)	Not implemented.
-2147024882 (8007000E)	Ran out of memory.
-2147024809 (80070057)	One or more arguments are invalid.
-2147467262 (80004002)	No such interface supported.
-2147467261 (80004003)	Invalid pointer.
-2147024890 (80070006)	Invalid handle.
-2147467260 (80004004)	Operation aborted.
-2147467259 (80004005)	Unspecified error.
-2147024891 (80070005)	General access denied error.
-2147483647 (80000001)	Not implemented.
-2147483646 (80000002)	Ran out of memory.
-2147483645 (80000003)	One or more arguments are invalid.
-2147483644 (80000004)	No such interface supported.
-2147483643 (80000005)	Invalid pointer.
-2147483642 (80000006)	Invalid handle.
-2147483641 (80000007)	Operation aborted.
-2147483640 (80000008)	Unspecified error.
-2147483639 (80000009)	General access denied error.
-2147483638 (8000000A)	The data necessary to complete this operation
						not yet available.
-2147467258 (80004006)	Thread local storage failure.
-2147467257 (80004007)	Get shared memory allocator failure.
-2147467256 (80004008)	Get memory allocator failure.
-2147467255 (84009)	 Unable to initialize class cache.
-2147467254 (8400A)	 Unable to initialize RPC services.
-2147467253 (8000400B)	Cannot set thread local storage channel control.
-2147467252 (8000400C)	Could not allocate thread local storage channel
-2147467251 (8000400D)	The user supplied memory allocator is
-2147467250 (8000400E)	The OLE service mutex already exists.
-2147467249 (8000400F)	The OLE service file mapping already exists.
-2147467248 (80004010)	Unable to map view of file for OLE service.
-2147467247 (80004011)	Failure attempting to launch OLE service.
-2147467246 (80004012)	There was an attempt to call CoInitialize a
						second time while single threaded.
-2147467245 (80004013)	A Remote activation was necessary but was not
-2147467244 (80004014)	A Remote activation was necessary but the server
						name provided was invalid.
-2147467243 (80004015)	The class is configured to run as a security id
						different from the caller.
-2147467242 (80004016)	Use of Ole1 services requiring DDE windows is
-2147467241 (80004017)	A RunAs specification must be A RunAs 
						specification must be 
						\ or simply 
-2147467240 (80004018)	The server process could not be started. The
						pathname may be incorrect.  
-2147467239 (80004019)	The server process could not be started as the
						configured identity. The pathname may be
						incorrect or unavailable.  
-2147467238 (8000401A)	The server process could not be started because
						the configured identity is incorrect. Check the
						username and password. 
-2147467237 (8000401B)	The client is not allowed to launch this server. 
-2147467236 (8000401C)	The service providing this server could not be
-2147467235 (8000401D)	This computer was unable to communicate with the
						computer providing the server. 
-2147467234 (8000401E)	The server did not respond after being launched. 
-2147467233 (8000401F)	The registration information for this server is
						inconsistent or incomplete. 
-2147467232 (80004020)	The registration information for this interface
						is inconsistent or incomplete. 
-2147467231 (80004021)	The operation attempted is not supported. 
-2147221504 (80040000)	Invalid OLEVERB structure.
-2147221503 (80040001)	Invalid advise flags.
-2147221502 (80040002)	Can't enumerate any more, because the associated
						data is missing.
-2147221501 (80040003)	This implementation doesn't take advises.
-2147221500 (80040004)	There is no connection for this connection ID.
-2147221499 (80040005)	Need to run the object to perform this operation.
-2147221498 (80040006)	There is no cache to operate on.
-2147221497 (80040007)	Uninitialized object.
-2147221496 (80040008)	Linked object's source class has changed.
-2147221495 (80040009)	Not able to get the moniker of the object.
-2147221494 (8004000A)	Not able to bind to the source.
-2147221493 (8004000B)	Object is static; operation not allowed.
-2147221492 (8004000C)	User cancelled out of save dialog.
-2147221491 (8004000D)	Invalid rectangle.
-2147221490 (8004000E)	compobj.dll is too old for the ole2.dll
-2147221489 (8004000F)	Invalid window handle.
-2147221488 (80040010)	Object is not in any of the inplace active states.
-2147221487 (80040011)	Not able to convert object.
-2147221486 (80040012)	Not able to perform the operation because object
						is not given storage yet.
-2147221404 (80040064)	Invalid FORMATETC structure.
-2147221403 (80040065)	Invalid DVTARGETDEVICE structure.
-2147221402 (80040066)	Invalid STDGMEDIUM structure.
-2147221401 (80040067)	Invalid STATDATA structure.
-2147221400 (80040068)	Invalid lindex.
-2147221399 (80040069)	Invalid tymed.
-2147221398 (8004006A)	Invalid clipboard format.
-2147221397 (8004006B)	Invalid aspect(s).
-2147221396 (8004006C)	tdSize parameter of the DVTARGETDEVICE structure
						is invalid.
-2147221395 (8004006D)	Object doesn't support IViewObject interface.
-2147221248 (80040100)	Trying to revoke a drop target that has not been
-2147221247 (80040101)	This window has already been registered as a drop
-2147221246 (80040102)	Invalid window handle.
-2147221232 (80040110)	Class does not support aggregation (or class
						object is remote).
-2147221231 (80040111)	ClassFactory cannot supply requested class.
-2147221184 (80040140)	Error drawing view.
-2147221168 (80040150)	Could not read key from registry.
-2147221167 (80040151)	Could not write key to registry.
-2147221166 (80040152)	Could not find the key in the registry.
-2147221165 (80040153)	Invalid value for registry.
-2147221164 (80040154)	Class not registered.
-2147221163 (80040155)	Interface not registered.
-2147221136 (80040170)	Cache not updated.
-2147221120 (80040180)	No verbs for OLE object.
-2147221119 (80040181)	Invalid verb for OLE object.
-2147221088 (800401A0)	Undo is not available.
-2147221087 (800401A1)	Space for tools is not available.
-2147221056 (800401C0)	OLESTREAM Get method failed.
-2147221055 (800401C1)	OLESTREAM Put method failed.
-2147221054 (800401C2)	Contents of the OLESTREAM not in correct format.
-2147221053 (800401C3)	There was an error in a Windows GDI call while
						converting the bitmap to a DIB.
-2147221052 (800401C4)	Contents of the IStorage not in correct format.
-2147221051 (800401C5)	Contents of IStorage is missing one of the
						standard streams.
-2147221050 (800401C6)	There was an error in a Windows GDI call while
						converting the DIB to a bitmap. 
-2147221040 (800401D0)	OpenClipboard Failed.
-2147221039 (800401D1)	EmptyClipboard Failed.
-2147221038 (800401D2)	SetClipboard Failed.
-2147221037 (800401D3)	Data on clipboard is invalid.
-2147221036 (800401D4)	CloseClipboard Failed.
-2147221024 (800401E0)	Moniker needs to be connected manually.
-2147221023 (800401E1)	Operation exceeded deadline.
-2147221022 (800401E2)	Moniker needs to be generic.
-2147221021 (800401E3)	Operation unavailable.
-2147221020 (800401E4)	Invalid syntax.
-2147221019 (800401E5)	No object for moniker.
-2147221018 (800401E6)	Bad extension for file.
-2147221017 (800401E7)	Intermediate operation failed.
-2147221016 (800401E8)	Moniker is not bindable.
-2147221015 (800401E9)	Moniker is not bound.
-2147221014 (800401EA)	Moniker cannot open file.
-2147221013 (800401EB)	User input required for operation to succeed.
-2147221012 (800401EC)	Moniker class has no inverse.
-2147221011 (800401ED)	Moniker does not refer to storage.
-2147221010 (800401EE)	No common prefix.
-2147221009 (800401EF)	Moniker could not be enumerated.
-2147221008 (800401F0)	CoInitialize has not been called. 
-2147221007 (800401F1)	CoInitialize has already been called. 
-2147221006 (800401F2)	Class of object cannot be determined.
-2147221005 (800401F3)	Invalid class string.
-2147221004 (800401F4)	Invalid interface string.
-2147221003 (800401F5)	Application not found.
-2147221002 (800401F6)	Application cannot be run more than once.
-2147221001 (800401F7)	Some error in application program.
-2147221000 (800401F8)	DLL for class not found.
-2147220999 (800401F9)	Error in the DLL.
-2147220998 (800401FA)	Wrong OS or OS version for application.
-2147220997 (800401FB)	Object is not registered.
-2147220996 (800401FC)	Object is already registered.
-2147220995 (800401FD)	Object is not connected to server.
-2147220994 (800401FE)	Application was launched but it didn't register a
						class factory.
-2147220993 (800401FF)	Object has been released.
-2146959359 (80080001)	Attempt to create a class object failed.
-2146959358 (80080002)	OLE service could not bind object.
-2146959357 (80080003)	RPC communication failed with OLE service.
-2146959356 (80080004)	Bad path to object.
-2146959355 (80080005)	Server execution failed.
-2146959354 (80080006)	OLE service could not communicate with the object
-2146959353 (80080007)	Moniker path could not be normalized.
-2146959352 (80080008)	Object server is stopping when OLE service
						contacts it.
-2146959351 (80080009)	An invalid root block pointer was specified.
-2146959344 (80080010)	An allocation chain contained an invalid link
-2146959343 (80080011)	The requested allocation size was too large.
-2147352575 (80020001)	Unknown interface. 
-2147352573 (80020003)	Member not found. 
-2147352572 (80020004)	Parameter not found. 
-2147352571 (80020005)	Type mismatch. 
-2147352570 (80020006)	Unknown name.  
-2147352569 (80020007)	No named arguments. 
-2147352568 (80020008)	Bad variable type. 
-2147352567 (80020009)	Exception occurred. 
-2147352566 (8002000A)	Out of present range. 
-2147352565 (8002000B)	Invalid index. 
-2147352564 (8002000C)	Unknown language. 
-2147352563 (8002000D)	Memory is locked. 
-2147352562 (8002000E)	Invalid number of parameters. 
-2147352561 (8002000F)	Parameter not optional. 
-2147352560 (80020010)	Invalid callee. 
-2147352559 (80020011)	Does not support a collection. 
-2147319786 (80028016)	Buffer too small. 
-2147319784 (80028018)	Old format or invalid type library. 
-2147319783 (80028019)	Old format or invalid type library. 
-2147319780 (8002801C)	Error accessing the OLE registry. 
-2147319779 (8002801D)	Library not registered. 
-2147319769 (80028027)	Bound to unknown type. 
-2147319768 (80028028)	Qualified name disallowed. 
-2147319767 (80028029)	Invalid forward reference, or reference to
						uncompiled type. 
-2147319766 (8002802A)	Type mismatch. 
-2147319765 (8002802B)	Element not found. 
-2147319764 (8002802C)	Ambiguous name. 
-2147319763 (8002802D)	Name already exists in the library. 
-2147319762 (8002802E)	Unknown LCID. 
-2147319761 (8002802F)	Function not defined in specified DLL. 
-2147317571 (800288BD)	Wrong module kind for the operation. 
-2147317563 (800288C5)	Size may not exceed 64K. 
-2147317562 (800288C6)	Duplicate ID in inheritance hierarchy. 
-2147317553 (800288CF)	Incorrect inheritance depth in standard OLE
-2147316576 (80028CA0)	Type mismatch. 
-2147316575 (80028CA1)	Invalid number of arguments. 
-2147316574 (80028CA2)	I/O Error. 
-2147316573 (80028CA3)	Error creating unique tmp file. 
-2147312566 (80029C4A)	Error loading type library/DLL. 
-2147312509 (80029C83)	Inconsistent property functions. 
-2147312508 (80029C84)	Circular dependency between types/modules. 
-2147287039 (80030001)	Unable to perform requested operation. 
-2147287038 (80030002)	%1 could not be found. 
-2147287037 (80030003)	The path %1 could not be found. 
-2147287036 (80030004)	There are insufficient resources to open another
-2147287035 (80030005)	Access Denied. 
-2147287034 (80030006)	Attempted an operation on an invalid object. 
-2147287032 (80030008)	There is insufficient memory available to
						complete operation. 
-2147287031 (80030009)	Invalid pointer error. 
-2147287022 (80030012)	There are no more entries to return. 
-2147287021 (80030013)	Disk is write-protected. 
-2147287015 (80030019)	An error occurred during a seek operation. 
-2147287011 (8003001D)	A disk error occurred during a write operation. 
-2147287010 (8003001E)	A disk error occurred during a read operation. 
-2147287008 (80030020)	A share violation has occurred. 
-2147287007 (80030021)	A lock violation has occurred. 
-2147286960 (80030050)	%1 already exists. 
-2147286953 (80030057)	Invalid parameter error. 
-2147286928 (80030070)	There is insufficient disk space to complete
-2147286800 (800300F0)	Illegal write of non-simple property to simple
						property set. 
-2147286790 (800300FA)	An API call exited abnormally. 
-2147286789 (800300FB)	The file %1 is not a valid compound file. 
-2147286788 (800300FC)	The name %1 is not valid. 
-2147286787 (800300FD)	An unexpected error occurred. 
-2147286786 (800300FE)	That function is not implemented. 
-2147286785 (800300FF)	Invalid flag error. 
-2147286784 (80030100)	Attempted to use an object that is busy. 
-2147286783 (80030101)	The storage has been changed since the last
-2147286782 (80030102)	Attempted to use an object that has ceased to
-2147286781 (80030103)	Can't save. 
-2147286780 (80030104)	The compound file %1 was produced with an
						incompatible version of storage. 
-2147286779 (80030105)	The compound file %1 was produced with a newer
						version of storage. 
-2147286778 (80030106)	Share.exe or equivalent is required for
-2147286777 (80030107)	Illegal operation called on non-file based
-2147286776 (80030108)	Illegal operation called on object with extant
-2147286775 (80030109)	The docfile has been corrupted. 
-2147286768 (80030110)	OLE32.DLL has been loaded at the wrong address. 
-2147286527 (80030201)	The file download was aborted abnormally. The
						file is incomplete. 
-2147286526 (80030202)	The file download has been terminated. 
-2147418111 (80010001)	Call was rejected by callee. 
-2147418110 (80010002)	Call was canceled by the message filter. 
-2147418109 (80010003)	The caller is dispatching an intertask
						SendMessage call and cannot call out via
-2147418108 (80010004)	The caller is dispatching an asynchronous call
						and cannot make an outgoing call on behalf of
						this call. 
-2147418107 (80010005)	It is illegal to call out while inside message
-2147418106 (80010006)	The connection terminated or is in a bogus state
						and cannot be used any more. Other connections
						are still valid. 
-2147418105 (80010007)	The callee (server [not server application]) is
						not available and disappeared; all connections
						are invalid. The call may have executed. 
-2147418104 (80010008)	The caller (client) disappeared while the callee
						(server) was processing a call. 
-2147418103 (80010009)	The data packet with the marshalled parameter
						data is incorrect. 
-2147418102 (8001000A)	The call was not transmitted properly; the
						message queue was full and was not emptied after
-2147418101 (8001000B)	The client (caller) cannot marshal the parameter
						data - low memory, etc. 
-2147418100 (8001000C)	The client (caller) cannot unmarshal the return
						data - low memory, etc. 
-2147418099 (8001000D)	The server (callee) cannot marshal the return
						data - low memory, etc. 
-2147418098 (8001000E)	The server (callee) cannot unmarshal the
						parameter data - low memory, etc. 
-2147418097 (8001000F)	Received data is invalid; could be server or
						client data. 
-2147418096 (80010010)	A particular parameter is invalid and cannot be
-2147418095 (80010011)	There is no second outgoing call on same channel
						in DDE conversation. 
-2147418094 (80010012)	The callee (server [not server application]) is
						not available and disappeared; all connections
						are invalid. The call did not execute. 
-2147417856 (80010100)	System call failed. 
-2147417855 (80010101)	Could not allocate some required resource
						(memory, events, ...) 
-2147417854 (80010102)	Attempted to make calls on more than one thread
						in single threaded mode. 
-2147417853 (80010103)	The requested interface is not registered on the
						server object. 
-2147417852 (80010104)	RPC could not call the server or could not return
						the results of calling the server. 
-2147417851 (80010105)	The server threw an exception. 
-2147417850 (80010106)	Cannot change thread mode after it is set. 
-2147417849 (80010107)	The method called does not exist on the server. 
-2147417848 (80010108)	The object invoked has disconnected from its
-2147417847 (80010109)	The object invoked chose not to process the call
						now. Try again later. 
-2147417846 (8001010A)	The message filter indicated that the application
						is busy. 
-2147417845 (8001010B)	The message filter rejected the call. 
-2147417844 (8001010C)	A call control interfaces was called with invalid
-2147417843 (8001010D)	An outgoing call cannot be made since the
						application is dispatching an input-synchronous
-2147417842 (8001010E)	The application called an interface that was
						marshalled for a different thread. 
-2147417841 (8001010F)	CoInitialize has not been called on the current
-2147417840 (80010110)	The version of OLE on the client and server
						machines does not match. 
-2147417839 (80010111)	OLE received a packet with an invalid header. 
-2147417838 (80010112)	OLE received a packet with an invalid extension. 
-2147417837 (80010113)	The requested object or interface does not exist. 
-2147417836 (80010114)	The requested object does not exist. 
-2147417835 (80010115)	OLE has sent a request and is waiting for a
-2147417834 (80010116)	OLE is waiting before retrying a request. 
-2147417833 (80010117)	Call context cannot be accessed after call
-2147417832 (80010118)	Impersonate on unsecured calls is not supported. 
-2147417831 (80010119)	Security must be initialized before any
						interfaces are marshalled or unmarshalled. It
						cannot be changed once initialized. 
-2147417830 (8001011A)	No security packages are installed on this
						machine or the user is not logged on or there are
						no compatible security packages between the
						client and server. 
-2147417829 (8001011B)	Access is denied. 
-2147417828 (8001011C)	Remote calls are not allowed for this process. 
-2147417827 (8001011D)	The marshalled interface data packet (OBJREF) has
						an invalid or unknown format. 
-2147352577 (8001FFFF)	An internal error occurred. 
-2146893823 (80090001)	Bad UID. 
-2146893822 (80090002)	Bad Hash. 
-2146893821 (80090003)	Bad Key. 
-2146893820 (80090004)	Bad Length. 
-2146893819 (80090005)	Bad Data. 
-2146893818 (80090006)	Invalid Signature. 
-2146893817 (80090007)	Bad Version of provider. 
-2146893816 (80090008)	Invalid algorithm specified. 
-2146893815 (80090009)	Invalid flags specified. 
-2146893814 (8009000A)	Invalid type specified. 
-2146893813 (8009000B)	Key not valid for use in specified state. 
-2146893812 (8009000C)	Hash not valid for use in specified state. 
-2146893811 (8009000D)	Key does not exist.  
-2146893810 (8009000E)	Insufficient memory available for the operation. 
-2146893809 (8009000F)	Object already exists. 
-2146893808 (80090010)	Access denied. 
-2146893807 (80090011)	Object was not found. 
-2146893806 (80090012)	Data already encrypted. 
-2146893805 (80090013)	Invalid provider specified. 
-2146893804 (80090014)	Invalid provider type specified. 
-2146893803 (80090015)	Provider's public key is invalid. 
-2146893802 (80090016)	Keyset does not exist. 
-2146893801 (80090017)	Provider type not defined. 
-2146893800 (80090018)	Provider type as registered is invalid. 
-2146893799 (80090019)	The keyset is not defined. 
-2146893798 (8009001A)	Keyset as registered is invalid. 
-2146893797 (8009001B)	Provider type does not match registered value. 
-2146893796 (8009001C)	The digital signature file is corrupt. 
-2146893795 (8009001D)	Provider DLL failed to initialize correctly. 
-2146893794 (8009001E)	Provider DLL could not be found. 
-2146893793 (8009001F)	The Keyset parameter is invalid. 
-2146893792 (80090020)	An internal error occurred. 
-2146893791 (80090021)	A base error occurred. 
-2146762751 (800B0001)	The specified trust provider is not known on this
-2146762750 (800B0002)	The trust verification action specified is not
						supported by the specified trust provider. 
-2146762749 (800B0003)	The form specified for the subject is not one
						supported or known by the specified trust
-2146762748 (800B0004)	The subject is not trusted for the specified
-2146762747 (800B0005)	Error due to problem in ASN.1 encoding process. 
-2146762746 (800B0006)	Error due to problem in ASN.1 decoding process. 
-2146762745 (800B0007)	Reading / writing Extensions where Attributes are
						appropriate, and visa versa. 
-2146762744 (800B0008)	Unspecified cryptographic failure. 
-2146762743 (800B0009)	The size of the data could not be determined. 
-2146762742 (800B000A)	The size of the indefinite-sized data could not
						be determined. 
-2146762741 (800B000B)	This object does not read and write self-sizing
-2146762496 (800B0100)	No signature was present in the subject. 
-2146762495 (800B0101)	A required certificate is not within its validity
-2146762494 (800B0102)	The validity periods of the certification chain
						do not nest correctly.
-2146762493 (800B0103)	A certificate that can only be used as an
						end-entity is being used as a CA or visa versa.
-2146762492 (800B0104)	A path length constraint in the certification
						chain has been violated.
-2146762491 (800B0105)	An extension of unknown type that is labeled
						'critical' is present in a certificate.
-2146762490 (800B0106)	A certificate is being used for a purpose other
						than that for which it is permitted.
-2146762489 (800B0107)	A parent of a given certificate in fact did not
						issue that child certificate.
-2146762488 (800B0108)	A certificate is missing or has an empty value
						for an important field, such as a subject or
						issuer name.
-2146762487 (800B0109)	A certification chain processed correctly, but
						terminated in a root certificate which isn't
						trusted by the trust provider.
-2146762486 (800B010A)	A chain of certs didn't chain as they should in a
						certain application of chaining.

