Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 7.0


After changing the date on a CitectSCADA installation using a date limited license key, a message appears saying “the system cannot validate your license”.






This is a built-in security measure to prevent attempts to circumvent date limited license keys. Citect advises that you should AVOID changing the date on your PC when running CitectSCADA with a date limited license otherwise you may face this issue. Citect recommends that you carefully check that the date on your machine is correct before the first time you run CitectSCADA with a date-limited license key.

If this error message appears, you have the following options:

1) Restore the system date to what it was (or later). This may involve getting your date-limited key extended.
2) Purchase a non date-limited license.
3) Re-install Windows.

Alternatively you can restore your system using a (VMware) Image

