Two separate IO devices on separate ports. both have tags
configured and
displayed on a page. If one device is disconnected its tag displays
#COM as per
normal. However the tag from the other IOdevice, its data does not
update for a
short while (stays at the last value). It then resumes normal
The time that the data does not update for is related to the
driver retry / timeout settings.
ie with the defaults you hardly notice it. If you extend the
timeout / retries
then the pause can be significant.
Limit of issue:
Through testing it was found that the problem is specific to the
page level only. If the two tags in the test were trended.
While on the graphics page you can see that the data pauses when
one IOdevice goes offline.
Looking at the trend you can see that it has been able to read the
correct values during the time that the graphics page was showing
paused data.
Also a seperate page (on another display client for example)
which is only showing the tag that is still online, does not
experience any pause.
This behaviour is by design. The Citect client waits for
all IOServer
responses to data reads that are required by the page (or times out
to [LAN]retry and [LAN]timeout) before issuing further requests for
data reads.
LAN parameters can be lowered to obtain a faster update rate on the
good data
points, but if the driver has higher timeout/retry settings there
may still be
a noticeable lag before the driver eventually times out. Also #COM
may be
displayed prematurely if set too low.
Please note that although it has not been specifically tested,
V7 will likely have different behaviour in this area due to Publish
/ Subcribe data interface between clients and server.