Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA Version 7.10


HF710R142523 for CitectSCADA Version 7.10

Bug 42523 - String values that are sent from the Active X Handler do not match the received string values in Citect.

The string arguments to a ActiveX/Citect event handler are overwritten when successive calls are made to the event handler resulting in the value of the last call overwriting all previous calls. 

For example, the following sequence of calls would result in each argument equaling "RG_4" upon completion of the code block:

   RaiseEvent ChkStr("RG_1")
   RaiseEvent ChkStr("RG_2")
   RaiseEvent ChkStr("RG_3")
   RaiseEvent ChkStr("RG_4")

This issue has been resolved.

Bug 42137 - Active Alarm list stops updating when scrolling through alarm pages
The display of active alarm lists is unpredictable.  The list of alarms will occassionally freeze when scrolling through it.

This was caused by a buffer overrun which has now been resolved.

Files Affected:
  • AlarmServer.dll                         copy to _ProgramFilesFolder_\Citect\CitectSCADA 7.10\Bin\AlarmServer.dll
  • Client.dll                              copy to _ProgramFilesFolder_\Citect\CitectSCADA 7.10\Bin\Client.dll
  • CtCmp32.exe                             copy to _ProgramFilesFolder_\Citect\CitectSCADA 7.10\Bin\CtCmp32.exe
  • CiTrendArchiveFileOffset.dll            copy to _CommonFilesFolder_\Citect\CiTrendArchiveFileOffset.dll
  • CiTrendArchiveFileOffset8Byte.dll       copy to _CommonFilesFolder_\Citect\CiTrendArchiveFileOffset8Byte.dll
  • CiTrendArchiveInterpolator.dll          copy to _CommonFilesFolder_\Citect\CiTrendArchiveInterpolator.dll
  • CiTrendManager.dll                      copy to _CommonFilesFolder_\Citect\CiTrendManager.dll
  •     Websever\client 
