Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA, VijeoCitect

 It seems that the Excel DBF add-in is making my Excel 2007 slightly slower. I would like to disable it when I do not need it, so it does not get loaded with Excel when I use it for other applications than Citect.

 You can follow the steps below to disable the add-in:

 1- Click on the “Office Button”> Excel options


2- Because Citect Project DBF AddIn is a COM Add-in, we need to select CommAdd-ins from the ”Manage” drop down list at the bottom of the options window


3- Untick the box for Citect ProjectDBF AddIn, and click OK.

4- You may verify by going back to Excel Options that the Add-in is now in the Inactive “Add-ins” list


5- You now only need to restart Excel…et voila!

Note: Unfortunately, there is no known way to disable the add-in in Excel 2003

 Add in, DBF, Excel
