Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA

Version of the DNPr driver as supplied in the 'Extras\Specialty Drivers\DNPr' subfolder of the CitectSCADA v7.10 installation set is not compatible with CitectSCADA v7.10. Use of this product version and driver version combination will result in exceptions and/or the following error on startup of the I/O Server, as shown.

    Error 0x30001 on opening 'PortName'.
    The DriverConfigInfo library only supports CitectSCADA versions 6.0, 6.10 and 7.0

In order to use the DNPr driver with CitectSCADA v7.10, please contact Citect Support to obtain a suitable DNPr driver build. At the time of writing, Beta DNPr driver v3.05.04.001 is recommended. The next fully tested 'release' version of the DNPr driver will be available with the upcoming CitectSCADA v7.20.

