Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA

 After selecting a PLC such as Quantum, I cannot open the tag database.

In previous versions, if you selected the Quantum, this would work. Now in V7, you need to select that PLC, but you will also notice there are PLCs listed with "Fastlinx Capable" on the end of their description. Ensure you select a FastLinx capable PLC in the communications set up wizard.

To see or set the database information in the IO devices form, and keep hitting F2 until the longer form is displayed. The linked database information is available there in the second section. Linked will be TRUE, and there will be a path to the database. Also, in the Quantum via TCP case, the FastLinx capable PLC will use MODNET instead of MODNET20. If you set the database in here, it will then bring in the tags automatically. You can get the required settings by using a test project and the Communications Express Wizard.

