Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA v7.10 spk1 

Cicode doesn't break when debugging a Multi-Cluster project on a standalone machine. 

Also, the [Debug]CodeDebug CITECT.INI parameter does not allow to specify exactly which Cluster you want to have the Debugger attached to.

This is fixed by HF710SP143013.

In a multi-cluster environment, you can now debug a specific process of a certain cluster on a standalone machine.

In this case [Debug]CodeDebug parameter must be used as it follows:
[Debug]CodeDebug = <Cluster Name>.<Process Name>

To debug the Alarm process of the Cluster named “MyCluster1”
[Debug]CodeDebug = MyCluster1.Alarm  

NB: Multi-Cluster debugging on separate machines is not supported by the Cicode debugger.

 Multi-Cluster, Cicode, Debugger, Process Debug
