Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA v7.10 spk 2
HF710SP246715 for CitectSCADA Version 7.10 Service Pack 2

This combined hotfix includes the following fixes:

Bug 42163 - Using Taginfo to test existence of tags before call super genies doesn't work for alarm properties
Bug 43013 - Cicode doesn_t break when debugging with Single machine, Multi-Cluster setup.
Bug 43547 - Acknowledged ON alarms need to be reacknowledeged after a restart
Bug 44100 - Acknowledged, cleared alarms active on redundant server after startup and synchronisation
Bug 44162 - Citect communications can be lost/dropped/closed on a mal-functioning/overloaded/unreliable network
Bug 44505 - The file 'AlmIndexSave.dat' was corrupt or invalid after deleting and adding alarms
Bug 44678 - Alarm High value property is not being transmitted to the redundant server
Bug 46302 - Super Genie associations do not show up on popup window
Bug 46333 - IODeviceInfo(IODevice,17) showing the old Server name when both the server are disconnected.
Bug 46540 - The web client fails to start.

Files Affected:
AlarmServer.dll                           copy to _ProgramFilesFolder_\Citect\CitectSCADA 7.10\Bin\AlarmServer.dll
Client.dll                                copy to _ProgramFilesFolder_\Citect\CitectSCADA 7.10\Bin\Client.dll
CtCmp32.exe                               copy to _ProgramFilesFolder_\Citect\CitectSCADA 7.10\Bin\CtCmp32.exe
CSAPSI.dll                                copy to _ProgramFilesFolder_\Citect\CitectSCADA 7.10\Bin\CSAPSI.dll
CtExplor.exe                              copy to _ProgramFilesFolder_\Citect\CitectSCADA 7.10\Bin\CtExplor.exe
IOConnectors.dll                          copy to _ProgramFilesFolder_\Citect\CitectSCADA 7.10\Bin\IOConnectors.dll
IoServer.dll                              copy to _ProgramFilesFolder_\Citect\CitectSCADA 7.10\Bin\IoServer.dll
PolledDataSource.dll                      copy to _ProgramFilesFolder_\Citect\CitectSCADA 7.10\Bin\PolledDataSource.dll
ReportServer.dll                          copy to _ProgramFilesFolder_\Citect\CitectSCADA 7.10\Bin\ReportServer.dll
TrendServer.dll                           copy to _ProgramFilesFolder_\Citect\CitectSCADA 7.10\Bin\TrendServer.dll
CiTrendArchiveFileOffset.dll              copy to _CommonFilesFolder_\Citect\CiTrendArchiveFileOffset.dll
CiTrendArchiveFileOffset8Byte.dll         copy to _CommonFilesFolder_\Citect\CiTrendArchiveFileOffset8Byte.dll
CiTrendArchiveInterpolator.dll            copy to _CommonFilesFolder_\Citect\CiTrendArchiveInterpolator.dll
CiTrendManager.dll                        copy to _CommonFilesFolder_\Citect\CiTrendManager.dll     web client\server

