Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA

 When I tried to install the Citect Project DBF AddIn, I received a pop-up box "The Installation of Excel 2007 Primary Interop Assemblies has failed. Setup will now exit", and my Project DBF Addin installation failed.

 The Primary Interop Assemblies (or PIAs) are commonly used Microsoft Office Type libraries. These PIAs make interoperability easier between managed code and COM type libraries.

More information on PIAs can be found at the following Microsoft KB link:

The PIAs are typically installed with the Project DBF addin, but in some 64-bit windows, there may be issues such as this during installation.

To overcome this issue, you can maunally install the PIAs
1) download the PIAs from the link:
2) In the Setup.ini file in the ProjectDBFAddIN directory, remove the line PreReq0=Excel 2007 Primary Iterop Assemblies.prq from the [ISSetupPrerequisites] section.
3) Reinstall the Citect Project DBF AddIn.

 Project DBF AddIn
