Standalone PC with remote dial up access

Figure 1-5 Standalone SCADA Node with remote access

This standalone PC would have both the SCADA node software and the Project Node software installed on the SCADA node PC.  This is essentially the same as the single PC configuration above.  The remote client would only need a web browser (Internet Explorer 6.0, 7.0, or 8.0).

A modem would allow remote engineering support and remote access to real-time data using a web browser.  Alternatively, remote users might use it to read real-time data or respond to alarms or remote control actions.

The modem must support a TCP/IP protocol connection.  The standard RAS (Remote Access Service) in Microsoft windows would allow the SCADA node to answer calls and provide the TCP/IP link without a 3rd party service (ISP).  Alternatively, the modem could also be a permanent network connection like DSL or ISDN through an ISP (Internet Service Provider).