Hot Standby Project Node Example

This is a type of redundant web server (technically a standby web server in this example). An ISP or hosting service maybe able to do the redirect of clients to the "backup web server" seamlessly (if a URL is used).  This example assumes an ordinary user and IP addresses.

·  Project Node on PC #1.  No License required. No Hardkey. No charge (no additional cost to customer). WebAccess Project Node software installed with IIS.

·  Hot Standby Project Node on PC #2.  No License required. No Hardkey. No charge (no additional cost to customer).   This node is an identical copy of the database and graphics on PC #1. Has separate address than PC #1 but contains PC #3 address in its database. WebAccess Project Node software installed with IIS. User copies the Project graphic files and database *(bwcfg.mdb) from PC#1 to PC #2. possible with a scheduled batch file.  Alternatively a SAN or Network storage could be used to allow a single database and graphic files shared by two web servers.

·     1200 tag count SCADA Node on PC #3.  One Hardkey with serial number.

If Web Server on PC #1 fails, the client redirects his web browser to Web Server on PC #2.  PC #2 can direct clients to  PC #3 SCADA Node (they have almost identical deploy files).