1.8.7   Productivity Tools for Operators and Users

Alarm Graphic

Alarm Graphic can be assigned for each tag in the system to help operators quickly find the appropriate display and correct the alarm. Engineers and technicians assign the alarm graphic during configuration of a tag.

Using the GOTO ALARM GRAPH keymacro or the Alarm Graph button on the Alarm Summary Display will call up the alarm graphic.  It is typically used to allow an operator to jump from the Alarm Summary display to a graphic relevant to the alarm. The Alarm Graphic can be any user built graphic display. The tag must be in the Alarm State for the GOTO Alarm Graph function to work


The Point GOTO dialog box shows all graphics, trends, alarm summary, alarm groups, recipes, faceplate groups, and overview displays a selected tag appears on.   This allows an operator to quickly identify the display relevant the tag. It also assists in system ring-out and testing to verify that all tags in your communications database appear in relevant displays and trends

Display Groups

WebAccess local SCADA node supports a non-web browser version intended for standalone architecture and control room type users.  Multiple display windows can be opened with a single mouse click.  Users can save multiple windows, size, position and default display as a display group, then re-open this group from a menu list or pushbutton.  Other features of display groups include hide menu bar, no resize and exit password level to close WebAccess.