1. Start DRAW, the graphics builder.
2. From the Tool menu, choose Toolbar, you can also enter toolbar at the command prompt or select the Toolbar icon from the Toolbar in DRAW.
3. The Toolbar Configuration dialog box opens.
4. From the Toolbar drop-down list select the toolbar named graph or one of existing toolbars. This list is blank if this is the first toolbar you have created. Skip this step if you are creating the toolbar from scratch or this is the first toolbar.
Hint - To edit the default toolbars, rename them with the *.TLB extension. Default toolbars have the *.TXX extension. After renaming them, edit them in the toolbar utility in DRAW (the Graphics Builder), save them. It must be renamed the same as the original with the *.TXX extension.
5. To change the color of the toolbar, click Toolbar Color and then click a color on the color palette.
6. To define a button on the toolbar, click the button on the toolbar displayed at the top of the dialog box, then select a toolbar button file from the list on the right (*.BBN) or (*.ico).
7. To change the color of the button, click Button Color and then click a color on the color palette.
8. Under Button Style, select either the depressed or released style.
9. In Key Macro, enter a key macro to execute when the button is clicked in VIEW.
10. In the Toolbar box, enter the name of the graphic (without the .BGR extension) for which the toolbar is create and click Save to save the configuration to file.