Description: Executes a program from the Windows Shell command. Command executes on client.
Syntax: <WINEXEC>program arguments
Arguments: path, program name (no blank spaces before program name), arguments accepted by program
Returns: popup dialog box if error.
See Also: <SCREXEC>
Examples: # press this button to open notepad program to edit file name oplog.txt
<WINEXEC>notepad.exe oplog.txt
<WINEXEC> executes a Windows program file (*.exe, *.bat, other executable) in the Windows 95, 98, ME, 2003, 2000 and XP environment. If program file is in the path declared by the windows environment, then it will execute. Otherwise, path must be specified. The program file is not downloaded to the client if it does not exist.
A popup dialog box appears if there is an error:
"VIEWDAQ - create process error 2" - file does not exist or can not be found
If the <WINEXEX> creates a file (for example <WINEXEC> notepad.exe text.txt), the root path is the project_node subdirectory on each client or node. Note that ViewDAQ, VIEW and global script will have different root paths on each client or node.
On a Client (View), it is drive:\WebAccess\Client\project_node
On the Node (ViewDAQ), it is drive:\WebAccess\Node\project_node
This is different than the built-in tcl commands used in scripts. The root for tcl commands for local scripts is the bgr subdirectory of the above paths.
To create a file readable using a <WINEXEC> program created by a Tcl script use:
<WINEXEC>Notepad.exe ReportClient2.txt
set fileid [open "../ReportClient2.txt" a+]
close $fileid