Description: Acknowledge alarms for a
single tag or a list of tags described in an array of tag
<ALMACKS>tagname 0 0 will acknowledge alarms for a single
<ALMACKS>@arraytag 0 1000 will acknowledge alarms for a list
of tags in an array type text tag.
Syntax: <ALMACKS >tagname 0 0
<ALMACKS>@tag 0 0
<ALMACKS>@arraytag first last
Argument: tagname, tag containing tag name, array tag containing list of tag names, start element in array, last element in array, (no blank space before tagname)
See Also: <CTL_F2>, <ALMACK>
Examples: acknowledge
the tag named ZT-184
<ALMACKS>ZT-184 0 0
example - acknowledge a tag contained in the text tag text50
<ALMACKS>@text50 0 0
<ALMACKS>@text50 0 0
example - ack first tag in alarm summary
example - ack first 18 alarms in the alarm summary page
example - same as <CTL_F2> - acknowledge tag picked by operator
This Keymacro is designed for use with the System Template displays: Alarm Summary, Alarm Groups, and Recipes. It can be used with an ordinary pushbutton. Multiple tags can be acknowledged if they are listed in an array text-type tag.
The <ALMACKS> keymacro will Acknowledge the alarm state of single tag. To acknowledge a single tag, you must use dummy start and end numbers (0 0) even if only one tag is specified.
The @ sign -
for arrays
If you are using an array tag that contains a list of tagnames, you
must use the indirect symbol, @. The @ symbol means the
tag specified contains name of one or more tags to be acknowledged.
The start and stop elements describe which elements of the array
are to be acknowledged. For example,
<ALMACKS>@%TALMSUM4 0 17. will acknowledge the first 18
alarms contained in the text array type tag %TALMSUM4 (i.e. the
first 18 tags listed in the alarm summary). Note that the %
sign just means it is a system tag.
<ALMACKS> is similar to the keymacro shortcut <CTL_F2> and is similar to pressing the Ctrl + F2 function keys on the keyboard. However, when using <CTL_F2> the user must select a tag first by clicking it with a mouse or selecting it from a display or tag list. <ALMACKS> will acknowledge tag(s) specified.