Description:   A valid email address should specify the email address that mail will be From, in a form like sender@company.com or "WebAccess <node1@mycompany.com>".

Syntax:         <MAIL>FROM=sender@mailserver.com</MAIL>

Argument:     valid email address
</MAIL> not needed for Keymacro file

See Also:       <MAIL>, </MAIL>


Examples:      <MAIL>FROM=webaccess2@yourcompany.com</MAIL>

A valid email address should specify the email address that mail will be `From', in a form like carter@yourcompany.com or -from "Tom Carter <carter@yourcompany.com>".

Must be specified before each <MAIL>SEND command. <MAIL>SEND clears the buffer of any previous <MAIL>FROM entry.