Description: Pages UP to the UP LINK Graphic specified in Set Graph Parameters of this display.
Syntax: <P_UP>
Argument: none
See Also: <P_UP>
Examples: <P_UP>
Same as the Page Up and Pg Up keys on the keyboard. <P_UP> is used in conjunction with the uplink and downlink in Set Graph Parameters allowing you to build Browse Sequences for your Graphic Displays and to link multi-page Block Detail displays.
1. Open Set Graph Parameter Dialog Box (File -> Set Graph Parameter)
2. In the UP Link field enter the name of the next graphic display (e.g. Display1.bgr, Blocktype1.bd1)
3. Click OK
4. Add a Pushbutton with Keymacro <P_UP> to the Display.
The PgUP key on the keyboard will execute this Keymacro also.