Description:    Copy files form SCADA nodes to VIEW client computers. View clients now allow users to copy files form SCADA nodes to client computers. Only files in the directory WebAccess\Node or its subdirectories be copied from SCADA nodes to the directory of WebAccess\Client or  under on client computers.

Syntax:         <REMOTECOPY>\YourFileName

Argument:     path\filename with extension


Examples:       <REMOTECOPY>..\ABC.DAT

For example, to copy file ABC.DAT form WebAccess\Node of SCADA node to WebAccess\Client of client computer, use <REMOTECOPY>..\ABC.DAT,

To copy file ABC.DAT form WebAccess\Node\CurrentProjectNode of SCADA node to WebAccess\Client\CurrentProjectNode of client computer, use <REMOTECOPY>ABC.DAT