Description: Macromedia Flash Movie can be used and displayed with WebAccess. Users can display and communicate with a Flash Movie in View/ViewDAQ. A Flash Movie in View/ViewDAQ can take up extra resources from computers. It is up to users to decide to what extent they want to use this feature.
Arguments: swf_file is the name for Flash Movie files. We suggest that Flash Movie files are put in config\pname_nodename directory on the project node and then downloaded to pname_nodename directory on the SCADA node. In this case, please specify swf_file as the Flash Movie file name. For example, if my.swf is on pname_nodename directory, swf_file should be set as my.swf. There is no need to copy Flash Movie files to client computers. WebAccess Client will download the Flash Movie files automatically if necessary. Another approach is to put Flash Movie files on Web Servers that can be accessed by SCADA nodes and client computers. In this case, please specify swf_file as the full URL to the Flash Movie. For example, if my.swf is on wwwroot directory of a Web Server which IP address is my_ip, swf_file should be set as http://my_ip/my.swf.
play_flag can be true or where false to play or stop Flash Movie.
loop_flag can be true or false to specify whether to loop Flash Movie.
menu_flag can be true or false to specify whether to have the context menu in the right-click Flash Movie popup menu. Please note that this option can not prevent a Flash Movie popup menu from displaying. To disable the Flash Movie popup menu, please use the popmenu option.
popmenu_flag can be true or false to specify whether to have the right-click Flash Movie popup menu.
value_list is a list of values to be passed into variables in Flash Movie. For example, if there are variables v1, v2, v3 in Flash Movie, to set these variables to 5.0, 3.0, 1.0, respectively, please set value_list as v1=5.0%26v2=3.0%26v3=1.0.
left_clip, right_clip, top_clip, and bottom_clip are percentages of clipping on the left, right, top, and bottom of Flash Movie, respectively.
video_name is the name of Video Display. For Flash Movie in View/ViewDAQ, set video_name as an empty string.
One way to control Flash Movie in Video Display or in View/ViewDAQ, the syntax is:
Alternatively, users can put any combination of above commands into one singe command. By doing this, the overhead associated with multiple SENDPTZ can be reduced. The syntax is:
To be consistent with the change above, movie=swf_file is now also allowed for the following commands. That is,
To display Flash Movie in graph, use the following syntax in Video Display:
To display Flash Movie in View/ViewDAQ, use the following syntax:
To switch Flash Movie in Video Display or in View/ViewDAQ, use the following syntax:
To display Flash Movie in graph, use the following syntax in Video Display:
To display Flash Movie in View/ViewDAQ, use the following syntax:
To switch Flash Movie in Video Display or in View/ViewDAQ, use the following syntax:
To communicate with View/ViewDAQ from within Flash Movie, use the following syntax in ActionScript inside Flash Movie.
To send Macro to View/ViewDAQ:
fscommand("SENDCMD", "Macro");
To set Value to Tag in View/ViewDAQ:
fscommand("SETVAL", "Tag=Value");
To get value from Tag in View/ViewDAQ into Variable in Flash Movie:
fscommand("GETVAL", "Variable=Tag");
If Tag is invalid, Variable will be set to "%T-2L$NA". If Tag is bad, Variable will be set to "%T-1L$BAD". Therefore, please make sure that Variable can handle "%T-2L$NA" and "%T-1L$BAD" in ActionScript.