Increment tag by specified amount, percentage , tag value or script variable until OutpHi (output high span) reached then resets counter to OutpLo (output low span). Repeats . Similar to RotatePlus, but when OutpHi reached, next value is exactly OutpLo.


<SETVAL>counter=%LOOPPLUS 1		# increments tag named counter by 1 
# until OutpHi  reached 
# then resets counter to OutpLo. 
# Repeats.
<SETVAL>tag2=%LOOPPLUS 1%		# increments tag2  by 1 percent of output
# span until  OutpHi reached 
# then resets counter to OutpLo.
# Repeats.
<SETVAL>tag2=%LOOPPLUS @tag1	# increments tag2  by  value of tag1 
# until OutpHi reached 
# then resets counter to OutpLo. 
# Repeats .