Description: SETVAL tags in other Views/ViewDAQs (on the same computer). Although this enhancement can be applied to any tags, it makes sense only to use with local tags or DaqTags. The application is when multiple VIEW web browser windows are opened on the same, Display groups with multiple ViewDAQs and View in Graph (where Draw Video is used to create a window within a BGR to display another occurrence of VIEW).
Syntax: <SETVAL>tagname,dest=value</SETVAL>
Argument: tagname of analog, digital or text type tag, a value, options, arguments for options.
dest is name of the dspname:daqname
To SETVAL to tagname in all Views/ViewDAQs with dspname as the display group name and daqname as the ViewDAQ name, set dest as dspname:daqname.
To SETVAL to tagname in all Views/ViewDAQs with dspname as the display group name, set dest as dspname.
To SETVAL to tagname in all Views/ViewDAQs with daqname as the ViewDAQ name, set dest as :daqname.
To SETVAL to tagname in all Views/ViewDAQs, set dest as an empty string.
To SETVAL to tagname in all View in Graph with name as the name of Video Display, set dest as daq#name. To SETVAL to tagname in View in View/ViewDAQ, set dest as daq#.
%REVERSE, %PLUS, %MINUS, %LOOPPLUS, %LOOPMINUS, %ROTATEPLUS, and %ROTATEMINUS can not be part of the string in SETVAL when tagname,dest is used.