12.10.14          Write data to a Text file

ReportNode2.txt is a Text File used for report data. The script first runs a Test if the file exists.  if not, create it with header lines, then enter a row of time stamped data.


# Txtcreate.scr

# ReportNode2.txt is a Text File used for report data

# Test if ReportNode2.txt files exists,

# enter a row of time stamped data

# if not, create it with header lines

if {[file exists "ReportNode2.txt"]} then {

  set fileid [open "ReportNode2.txt" a+]


  close $fileid

 } else {

     set fileid [open "ReportNode2.txt" a+]

     seek $fileid 0 start

     puts $fileid "----- Water Use Report-------\nPage 1"

     #Insert data into table


     close $fileid
