Description:   Acknowledge alarms for tag specified or multiple tags described in array.


Tcl & VB:       ALMACKS "tagname 0 0"

                        ALMACKS "arraytag first last"   

                   ALMACKS stringvariable    


JScript :       ALMACKS("tagname 0 0");

                        ALMACKS("arraytag first last");  



Arguments:    string containing tagname, tag containing tag name, array tag containing list of tag names, start element in array, last element in array

Returns:        none


See Also:       ALMACK

ALMACKS will acknowledge alarm state of specified tag(s).  Must use dummy start and end numbers even if only one tag is specified.  Use @ if tag contains name of tag(s).   Multiple tags can be acknowledged if they are listed in an array text-type tag or variable.



#tcl - ack tag ZT-184

ALMACKS "ZT-184 0 0"


#tcl example 2 - ack tag ZT-187

SETVAL text50=ZT-187

ALMACKS "@text50 0 0"


#tcl example 3 - ack first tag in alarm summary


#example 4 - ack first 8 alarms on alarm summary page



// JScript - almacksZT184.js

ALMACKS("ZT-184 0 0");  // Must use dummy start and end numbers even if only one tag is specified.


Rem - VB Script - almacksZT184

ALMACKS "ZT-184 0 0"


Rem - VB Script - Alternative method

Dim tagname1

tagname1 = "ZT-184"

BWSPOOL "tagname1 =" & tagname1

ALMACKS tagname1 & " 0 0"