Decrement tag by specified amount, percentage , tag value or script variable


# Tcl

SETVAL {counter=%MINUS 1}  # subtracts 1 from the value counter.

SETVAL {tag2=%MINUS 1%}    # decreases tag2  by 1 percent of output span.

SETVAL "tag2=%MINUS $var"  # decrements tag2 by value of script variable

                           # named var. double quotes evaluates var

SETVAL {tag2=%MINUS @tag1}  #  decrements tag2  by  value of tag1

# equivalent to the expression

SETVAL tag2=[expr [GETVAL tag1]-[GETVAL tag2] ]


# Tcl

SETVAL "tag2=%MINUS $x" 

# increments tag2 by value of script

# variable named x

# until OutpHi reached then

# resets counter to OutpLo.

# Repeats.

# double quote forces evaluation

# of $x.


Rem VB Script

Dim x

SETVAL "tag2=%MINUS " & Cstr(x) 


// JScript

var x, tagnvalue

tagnvalue = "tag2=%MINUS ";

tagnvalue += x;
