Decrements tag by specified amount, percentage , tag value or script variable until OUTPLO (output low span) reached then resets counter to OUTPHI (output high span). Repeats continuously. Similar to RotatePlus, but when OutpLo reached, next value is OutpHi.

SETVAL {counter=%LOOPPLUS 1}  # increments tag named counter by 1

# until OutpLo reached

# then resets counter to OUTH.

# Repeats .


SETVAL {tag2=%LOOPPLUS 1%}    # increments tag2  by 1 % of output

# span until  OutpLo reached

# then resets counter to OutH.

#  Repeats.


SETVAL {tag2=%LOOPPLUS @tag1} # increments tag2  by  value of tag1

# until OutpLo reached

# then resets counter to OutH.

# Repeats.



SETVAL "tag2=%LOOPPLUS $var"  #increments tag2  by  value of

#  variable named  var

# until OutpLo reached

# then resets counter to OutpH.

# Repeats.