The following is a method to display an error in WebAccess scripts
# runs script source.scr - traps and
displays if error
# Failed. couldn't
read file "sourcein.scr": no such file or
# it splits the error in to two tags
using the strung command. Errors can be longer than 70
charcaters, the maximum text tag length.
if {[catch [list SCREXEC
sourcein.scr] err]} {
SETVAL "text=Failed.
$err "
SETVAL text50=[string
range $err 61 112]
Another version allows you to enter the name of the Script to be tested in a Text-type tag.
# This script calls whatever script is entered in text tag named SCRname
# the scr extension should be added
# SCRERR displays the error on a Display named ScriptTest.bgr
catch {
} err