The valid operators are listed below, grouped in decreasing order of precedence:
Operators Description
+ Unary Addition
~ Bit-wise NOT (valid for integer operands only)
! Logical NOT
* Multiplication
/ Division
% Remainder
+ Addition
- Subtraction
<< Shift Left (bit-wise)
>> Shift Right (bit-wise)
> Greater than
>= Greater than or equal to
< Less than
<= Less than or equal to
== Logical Equal to
!= Not equal to
& Bit-wise AND (valid for integer operands only)
^ Bit-wise Exclusive OR (valid for integer operands only)
| Bit-wise OR (valid for integer operands only)
&& AND
|| OR (Valid for boolean integers or floating-point operands only)
Exp1?Exp2:Exp3 Conditional expression where Exp 1, 2 and 3 are math and/or logic expressions. Exp 1 is evaluated first. If it is non-zero (true), the tag uses the value of Exp 2 as its output. Otherwise, Exp 3 is used for the tag output.
An example is C>0?A*B/C:1 If C is greater than 0, the tags value will be A*B/C. If C is Not greater that 0, then output of the calculation is 1.