Tcl supports the following mathematical functions in expressions:
Operators Description
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
sin( ) Sine function; format is sin(A) where A is in radians
cos( ) Cosine function; format is cos(A) where A is in radians
Tangent function.
Converts radians to slope. Format is tan(A) where A is in radians.
Returns a value less than 1.
set x [expr [GETVAL degrees]*3.14159265/180]
set y [expr tan($x)]
SETVAL radians=[expr [GETVAL degrees]*3.14159265/180]
SETVAL slope=[expr $y]
) Arctangent
function. Converts slope to radians. Format is atan(A) where A
is the slope. Atan returns a value in radians.
set x [expr [GETVAL slope]]
set y [expr atan($x)]
SETVAL radians=$y
SETVAL degrees=[expr $y*180/3.14159265]
sqrt( ) Square root; format is sqrt(A) where A is in radians
pow(A ,B) Power; format is pow(A,B) for A to the power of B
log( ) Natural logarithm; format is log(A)
log10( ) Logarithm base 10; format is log10(A)
( ) Precedence operator. Perform calculation inside parentheses before any operators outside parentheses
ceil(A) Smallest integer >= A
floor(A) Largest integer <= A
int(A) Integer part of A
fmod(A,n) Remainder A/n
Note - the Trigonometric functions (sin, cos, tan, etc) use RADIANS as the output or expected input (not degrees).
To convert radians to degrees, multiply by 57.2957795
or multiply by 180/3.14159265.
To convert degrees to radians, multiply by 0.0175
or multiply by 3.14159265/180.
set x [expr [GETVAL slope]/100]
set y [expr atan($x)]
SETVAL radians=$y
SETVAL degrees=[expr $y*180/3.14159265]