Description: Opens a new Web Browser window and calls the URL or web page.
Syntax: GOTO URL=http://URL^target=name^replace=option^style=option^settings=option
GOTO URL=http://URL^target=name
URL or Web page address and options to adjust appearance of
Returns: none
GOTO URL=^target=pop^height=200^left=20^top=20^width=400
Opens a new HTML or other Web Page in a new Web Browser pop-up window. If named target is already open, then new URL is opened in existing target window. Will open an IE browser regardless of default browser on PC (always opens Internet Explorer). IE 6.0 or later must be installed on client PC. This is supported by Browser based clients and ViewDAQ. If connecting to the same WebAccess project and used from a Web Browser Client, the new window does not require a new login. Used from ViewDAQ, a new user login to the WebAccess web browser client is required. The delimiter is the carrot ^ typed by pressing Shift 6.
Also known as a web address. Can be a URL, IP Address, name in
Hosts file or Network name. Can include options associated
with the URL including ASP options and WebAccess options.
example: GOTO URL=
Target Name defines a Target window name with feature options specified. Can be any name. Optional, if no name specified, will open a new window popup. If a window with same name is already open, loads URL document into the named window. Using a target window name allows use of CLOSEURL command. The CLOSEURL command requires a target window name. No target name is equivalent to _blank and will open new window that cannot be closed using CLOSEURL command. The default window names used by HTML code are not supported (_blank, _parent, _search, _self, _top, _media). NO BLANK SPACES.
example: GOTO URL=^target=pop
replace Options are (yes=1 no=0).
Replace History Entry. When the URL is loaded into same window,
this BOOLEAN parameter specifies whether the URL creates a new
entry or replaces current entry in the windows history list.
Optional. NO BLANK SPACES. Boolean values accepted ( 0 1
yes no ).
Syntax: replace=boolean
example: GOTO URL=^target=pop^replace=1
Options 0,1,2. Window Title Bar options. Similar to Display
Groups in ViewDAQ.
(0 = Overlapped Window with Title, 1= Popup with Title,
2 =Popup without Title) . The Popup windows do not have Minimize,
Maximize or Close controls preventing user from easily closing, the
window. NO BLANK SPACES. Style is a number between 0 and 2.
Syntax: style=number
example: GOTO URL=^target=pop^style=2
settings These settings used to control window size and position. They are similar to replace and style above. Each setting option is delimited with the carrot ^ (typed using shift 6). NO BLANK SPACES.
Display Browser in full-screen mode. The default is no. Use full-screen mode carefully because this mode hides the browser's title bar and menus. You should always provide a button or other clue to help the user close the window. ALT+F4 closes the new window. Boolean values accepted ( 0 1 yes no ).
Syntax: fullscreen=boolean
example: GOTO URL=^target=pop^fullscreen=yes
height Height of the browser window, in pixels. The minimum value is 100.
Syntax: height=number
example: GOTO URL=^target=pop^height=200^width=400
left Left position of the browser window, in pixels. The value is relative to the upper -left corner of screen..
Syntax: left=number
example: GOTO URL=^target=pop^height=200^width=400^left=20
Display the address bar in web browser (URL input
field). Default value is yes. Boolean values accepted
( 0 1 yes no ).
Syntax: location=boolean
example: GOTO URL=^target=pop^location=no
Display the menu bar in web browser (File Edit
View Favorites Tools). Default value is yes. Boolean
values accepted ( 0 1 yes no ).
Syntax: menubar=boolean
example: GOTO URL=^target=pop^location=0^menbar=0
Display the resize handles at the corners of the window. The default is yes.
Boolean values
accepted ( 0 1 yes no ).
Syntax: resizable=boolean
example: GOTO URL=^target=pop^location=0^menbar=0^resizable=0
status Display the status bar at bottom of browser window. The default is yes.
values ( 0 1 yes no ).
Syntax: status=boolean
example: GOTO URL=^target=pop^menubar=0^status=0
Display the title bar in web browser. This
setting is ignored unless the calling application is an HTML
application or a trusted dialog box. Default value is yes.
Boolean values ( 0 1 yes no ).
Syntax: menubar=boolean
example: GOTO URL=^target=pop^titlebar=0
Display the tool bar in web browser with the
button BACK, FORWARD and STOP. Default value is yes.
Boolean values ( 0 1 yes no ).
Syntax: toolbar=boolean
example: GOTO URL=^target=pop^toolbar=0
top Top position of the browser window, in pixels. The value is relative to the upper -left corner of screen..
Syntax: top=number
example: GOTO URL=^target=pop^height=200^width=400^left=20^top=20
width Width of the browser window, in pixels. The minimum value is 100.
Syntax: top=number
example: GOTO URL=^target=pop^height=200^left=20^top=20^width=400