Data Log Trends record Data to the Hard
Drive of the SCADA Node. The location is:
Four files are created for each tag: Second, Minute, Hour and Daily Data.
· A new file is created each Day for Seconds Data.
· A new file is created each Month for Minute and Hourly Data.
· A new File is created each year for Daily Data.
Every day, WebAccess checks to see if there is an expired data.
· Daily it will copy old seconds data to Archive.
· At the start of the new month, it will copy expired minute and hourly data to archive.
· At the start of the New Year, it will copy expired daily data.
If the SCADA node is not running at the Archive time, it will wait for the next day that it is running to archive and/or delete files.
If Seconds expire in 30 days, on the 31st day it will archive those Data Log trend files to Archive and Delete them.
If Monthly and Hourly data expires in 1 month, and the start of the 3rd Month, the first months data record is archived and/or deleted.
If Daily data expires in 1 year, on Jan 1st of the 3rd year, the first years file will be archived and/or deleted.