21.2.7 Project Logs Database - bwPdata.mdb

BwPData.mdb definition

1. BwActionTable: User action log table.

a. ProjNodeId : Unique ID for a SCADA node.

b. LogDate : Date of  the record was recorded.

c. LogTime : Time of the record was recorded.

d. Priority : Not Used.

e. TagName : Tag name, if it is tag related record.

f. Description : Tag Description

g. Action : Description of the User Action

h. UserName : The user who made the action

i. NodeName : The node that this action happened.

j. NodeIP : The IP address of the node where the action happened.

2. BwAlarmTable: Alarm log table

a. ProjNodeId : Unique ID for a SCADA node.

b. LogDate : Date of  the record was recorded.

c. LogTime : Time of the record was recorded.

d. Priority : Alarm priority.

e. TagName : Tag name.

f. Description : Tag Description

g. Action : Alarm information

h. UserName : User involved in the alarm action.

i. NodeName : Not Used.

j. NodeIP : Not used.

3. BwAnalogTable : Data log for Analog tags

a. ProjNodeId : Unique ID for a SCADA node.

b. TagName : Tag Name.

c. LogDate : Date of  the record was recorded.

d. LogTime : Time of the record was recorded.

e. MaxValue: Maximum value of the recording period.

f. AvgValue: Average value of the recording period.

g. MinValue: Minimum value of the recording period.

h. LastValue: The Maximum value of the recording period.

i. Alarm: If the tag is in alarm during the recording period.

-2147483648 (Decimal) or  0x80000000 (HEX) means there is  no data during the minute of collection.  Otherwise, the value of this field is a LOGICAL OR of all the Alarms that occurred during the interval.

Alarm Code    Alarm Code   Description
Decimal           Hex

-2147483648   0x80000000   no data during the minute of collection.

                2   0x02            Acknowleged Alarm

                4   0x04            High High Alarm

                8   0x08            High Alarm

               16  0x10             Low Alarm

               32  0x20             Low Low Alarm

               64  0x40             Rate of change Alarm

              128  0x80            High Deviation Alarm

              256  0x100           Low Deviation Alarm

              512  0x200           Discrete Alarm

4.  BwDiscreteTable : Data log for Discrete tags

a. ProjNodeId : Unique ID for a SCADA node.

b. TagName : Tag Name.

c. LogDate : Date of  the record was recorded.

d. LogTime : Time of the record was recorded.

e. LogMilliSecond : The millisecond of the time of the record was recorded

f. LogValue : The value recorded.

g. Alarm: If the tag is in alarm during the recording period.

-2147483648 (Decimal) or  0x80000000 (HEX) means there is  no data during the minute of collection.  Otherwise, the value of this field is a LOGICAL OR of all the Alarms that occurred during the interval.

Alarm Code    Alarm Code   Description
Decimal           Hex

-2147483648   0x80000000    no data during the minute of collection.

                2   0x02             Acknowledged Alarm

             512  0x200             Discrete Alarm

5. BwTextTable : Data log for Analog tag

a. ProjNodeId : Unique ID for a SCADA node.

b. TagName : Tag Name.

c. LogDate : Date of  the record was recorded.

d. LogTime : Time of the record was recorded.

e. TextData : The data recorded.

6. BwLogTag:  All the tags with ODBC log enabled

a. ProjNodeId : Unique ID for a SCADA node.

b. TagName : Tag Name.

c. TagType :  1/2/3 for Analog/Discrete/Text tag

d. ProjId : Project ID for the tag.

7. BwLogTblInfo : For internal used only.

8. BwReportTable : For internal used only.

9. BwReportTagTable : For internal used only.

10. BwSysLogTable: System operation log

a. ProjNodeId : Unique ID for a SCADA node.

b. LogDate : Date of  the record was recorded.

c. LogTime : Time of the record was recorded.

d. UserName : User name who made the action.

e. ActionType : An action type ID.

f. Action : Text Description of the action.

g. SourcePC : The computer name where the action was originate.

h. SourceIP : IP address of the source computer.

i. ProjId : Unique number for the project involved.

j. ProjName : Project name involved in this action.

k. NodeName : SCADA node name involved in this action.