Max/Min Analysis:

Draw Video uti: command example  

uti:bems/bemsuti.asp?rpt=5&Ptp=m&MaxMinType=0&MaxMinOrders=12&Grp=GrpName&sd=7/1/2008 12:00&ed=7/4/2008 12:00&submit=0&

Key Macro example  

<GOTO>TOOL=MAXMINANALYSIS.UTI^Ptp=m^MaxMinType=0^MaxMinOrders=12^Grp=GrpName^sd=7/1/2008 12:00^ed=7/4/2008 12:00^submit=0


Ptp : Period Type, default value is m

        y —— Year

        m —— Month

        d —— Day

        h —— Hour

MaxMinType : Analysis Type, default value is 0

        0 —— Maximized Value

        1 —— Minimized Value

MaxMinOrders : Number of Maximized or Minimized values to be returned, default value is 12

Grp : Group , “,” to separate multiple groups, either Grp or Item must be specified but not both

Item : Item , “,” to separate multiple items, either Grp or Item must be specified but not both

sd : Start Date/Time

ed : End Date/Time

submit : submit automatically, default value is 0

      0 —— do not submit

      1 —— submit automatically