1) Open the Control Panel (Click on Start->Settings->Control Panel).
2) Double Click on Administrative Tools.
3) Double Click on Computer Management.
4) Click on Local Users and Groups.
5) Click on Users.
6) Double Click on Users.
7) From the List, Right Click on Your User Name.
8) From the popup menu, Click on Properties.
9) From the Properties box, Click on the Member Of tab.
Figure 22.7 - Windows 2000 User Security - Power User required to run WebAccess Client
If it lists Power Users (see Figure 22.7), you are a Standard User and can install and run WebAccess Client.
If it lists Users (see Figure 22.8), you are a Restricted User and cannot install and cannot run Web Access Client. Contact you system administrator and ask to be changed to a Power User.
Figure 22.8 - Windows 2000 Restricted User