· Centralized Logs on the Project Node and HTML Reports under the Tools menu of VIEW clients are not supported by Windows CE SCADA node in VIEW or ViewDAQ. The following are not supported by a connection to the WinCE SCADA Node:
o Analog Data Log
o Discrete Data Log
o System Log,
o System Alarm Log
o System Action Log.
o Event Log.
Note – the above features can be accessed from a Win-32 SCADA node hat is part of the same project as the WinCE SCADA node.
· Email of Scheduled Reports is not supported in CE.
· Email Acknowledgement of Alarms in not supported in Windows CE.
Note – A Win32 SCADA node can acknowledge Alarms on a CE node via email.
· Global Scripts (tcl) are not supported in CE.
· Local Scripts in ViewDAQ are not supported in CE.
Note- Local Scripts (screen scripts) are supported on a Windows 32 client connected to a WinCE SCADA node.
· Alarm Voice (Text-to-Speech Alarm notification) is not supported in CE.
· Global Tags are not supported in Windows CE. The WinCE SCADA node cannot read the value of tags on other SCADA nodes (no peer-to-peer).
· Global Alarm list in the Local ViewDAQ or VIEW client is not supported in CE.
Note – the WinCE Alarms will appear in a Win32 SCADA node or client connected to a Win32 SCADA node that is part of the project.
· VIEW client running on the Windows CE node.
Note – a Win32 VIEW client can connect to a WinCE SCADA node.
· Pop-up Dependent Display Groups are no supported in Windows CE (ViewDAQ)
· Most API-based communications drivers found in Win32 are not supported in Win CE (for example, RSLINX, Siemens Softnet S7).