3.2.15         Global Script via Email

This will enable sending commands to the SCADA Node via email.  Commands are in the form below using standard Script (tcl, VB Script or J Script) and ACTION commands:

To send Tcl, use:



    TclScript code





To send VBScript, use:



    VBScript code





To send JScript, use:



    JScript code




For example, to Change the Value of Tag SP-184 to 75 and reverse the state of FAN101 using ACTION commands and Tcl:

TclScript code

SETVAL  SP-184=75



There can be only one SCRIPT per email, but multiple commands per script. Change the Value of Tags and Tag fields, execute other scripts, download recipes, and any command a global script can execute, both ACTION Commands and built-in Tcl.

An incoming Email Server (POP3) (section 3.2.16), Account Name and Password must be configured for Global Script via email to work. Also the incoming email must match the configure Global Script Security Code (section The script will run once after it is received. An appropriate frequency to Check Email must also be used (too fast and your ISP may block the SCADA node from checking the POP3 server).