This is a TCP Port through a firewall. Leave the value at 0 if you are not using a firewall.
If using a Firewall, Three TCP Ports are required (you can not specify the same port number for both Primary and Secondary). The TCP Ports used during Installation of the Project Node appear here by default. These are not necessarily the TCP Ports of your SCADA node.
TCP ports are used with a Firewall and are optional. If not using a firewall, leave these fields with the default value (0). Note that 0 means the default ports numbers are used (4592 and 14592).
The TCP ports you enter here MUST MATCH THE TCP PORTS ENTERED DURING SOFTWARE INSTALLATION of the SCADA Node and Project Node. They must also match the TCP ports opened by your System Administrator for your use. You must reinstall software (or edit the INI file) if you must use different TCP ports than you specified during software installation.
The TCP Ports are specified when creating a new node. They are edited here only if you are moving a project to another PC or moving the SCADA node to another PC.
A Firewall restricts the flow of data onto a network; it is a method of network security. Many corporations use firewalls. If your connection is through a firewall, you will need to have your network administrator assign two TCP ports for you to use the DRAW or VIEW features in WebAccess. The Primary Port is used for file transfers and the Secondary Port is used for Live Data. This only applies if you are connecting through the firewall. If all your WebAccess Clients and SCADA nodes are inside the firewall, you can ignore this.
Http Port = 80 (used to serve the ASP Web Pages)
Primary TCP Port = 4592 (used for file downloads and uploads)
Secondary TCP Port = 14592 (used for real time data).