Allows users can set temporary value associated with a tag that can be shared among different ViewDAQs on a SCADA node or different View clients on a Client node. For example, users now can use this feature to easily pass parameters to another ViewDAQ/View Client that is called up by DSPPOPUP/DSPPOPUPDEP/DSPPOPUPTOP.
Range: -99,999,999,99
to 99,999,999,999
Field Type:
See Also: 4.8.67 .VIEWVA, 4.8.63 .TEMPVA
Example for Blocks
The Button Up Keymacro is needed to pass the new value of .NODEVA to the actual Tagname.
A second larger bar, move object, or text is connected to: Tagname:Parameter (Optional - to prevent false indication)
Example for Tag