Last Pick Tag Name. The Tag Name of the last tag picked by the mouse, touchscreen or tab.
Arguments: none
Security: READ/WRITE (ViewDAQ Level 127)
Example: %TPICKTAG
Return: tag name
An example returns: LIC101:OUT and FI1001
%TPICKBLOCK and %THILIBLOCK are read only and for informational display (e.g. show block name on a display). %TPICKTAG or %THILITAG can be set by a user via script or pushbutton, in addition to using the mouse.
A user wants to call the Block Detail popup window from the associated faceplate popup window:
1. Display a graphic display.
2. Call up a faceplate window from a push button.
3. Call up the associated Block Detail display window from the faceplate window with one button.
You can implement this with $blkpick.dsp. Assuming your View has the following features
Display Group Name = main
ViewDAQ Name = "untitled" as
all you have to do is to create a push button in your faceplate file (a dfp file) with <SCREXEC>@testblk.js as the Macro, where the content of testblk.js is