Use the UPLINK and DOWNLINK features in Set Graph Parameters and the <P_UP> and <P_DN> pushbutton keymacros to link multiple pages of a Block Detail Display (i.e. to link BLOCKTYPE.BD1 to BLOCKTYPE.BD2)
Assuming your Block Detail is named "BLOCKTYPE".
1. On the First Block Detail Display (BLOCKTYPE.BD1)
a. Open Set Graph Parameter Dialog Box (File -> Set Graph Parameter)
b. In the Down Link field enter: BLOCKTYPE.BD2
c. Click OK
d. Add a Pushbutton with Keymacro <P_DN>.
e. Save this as BLOCKTYPE.BD1
f. You should probably rename the DRW. Be careful how you save the BLOCKTYPE.DRW: page two and page one could overwrite each other.
2. On the Second Block Detail Display (BLOCKTYPE.BD2)
Open Set Graph Parameter Dialog Box (File ->
Set Graph Parameter)
Figure 5-35Up Link & Down Link -set graph parameters
b. In the UP Link field enter: BLOCKTYPE.BD1
c. If there is a third page, enter BLOCTYPE.BD3 as the Down Link.
d. Click OK
e. Add a Pushbutton with Keymacro <P_UP>.
f. If there is a third page, add a Pushbutton with Keymacro <P_DN>.
g. Save this as BLOCKTYPE.WD2
h. You should probably rename the DRW. Be careful how you save the BLOCKTYPE.DRW: page two and page one could overwrite each other.
BLOCKTYPE is the Block Type name. For an EC310 Block the name in Up Link is EC310.BD1 and in Down Link is EC310.BD2 . There is no string concatenation or scripting needed.
You do not need to know the tagname, or the Block Name, only the Block Type. These link will work for any Blockname you build using this one Block Type.