5.7.1   Step1: Create Parameters for PID Block (Modicon Modbus)

This example uses a Modicon Modbus Device to create a PID Block. This will create 4 parameters:

1.      Start WebAccess Configuration.

2.      Login with User Name and Password.

3.      Select your Project Name.

4.      The Project Manger opens.

5.      Drag the slider bar on the left Frame down to reveal Device Type list.

6.      Pick the Modicon Device Type (this is for a Modbus Driver).

7.      The Parameters Set for the Device Type (driver) opens.

Figure 5-7Parameter Set - Modicon Modbus

8.      Select Add Parameter.

9. The Create Parameter Properties Page opens.

Figure 5-8Create Parameter Properties Page

Create MEAS Parameter

9.      Select Analog Parameter Type from the Pull Down List.


Figure 5-9Parameter Type Definition - Create Parameter

10.  Enter Parameter name: MEAS.

11. Enter a Description: Measurement

12. Enter Address: 30001

13. Enter Eng Unit: DegF

14. For OverView, select Yes

15.  Refer to the Analog Parameter Properties to change the other parameters as needed.

16.  Press Submit when you are finished entering Data.

Create SP Parameter

17.      Select Analog Parameter Type from the Pull Down List.


Figure 5-9Parameter Type Definition - Create Parameter

18.  Enter Parameter name: SP.

19. Enter a Description: Setpoint

20. Enter Address: 40001

21. Enter Eng Unit: DegF

22. For OverView, select No

23.  Refer to the Analog Parameter Properties to change the other parameters as needed.

24.  Press Submit when you are finished entering Data.


Create OUT Parameter

25.      Select Analog Parameter Type from the Pull Down List.


Figure 5-9  Parameter Type Definition - Create Parameter

26.  Enter Parameter name: SP

27. Enter a Description: Valve Output

28. Enter Address: 40002

29. Enter Eng Unit: %OPEN

30. For OverView, select No

31.  Refer to the Analog Parameter Properties to change the other parameters as needed.

32.  Press Submit when you are finished entering Data.

Create AM Parameter

33.      Select Discrete Parameter Type from the Pull Down List.


Figure  Discrete Parameter Type Definition - Create Parameter

34.  Enter Parameter name: AM

35. Enter a Description: Auto/Manual

36. Enter Address: 00001

37. Enter State0: MANUAL

38. Enter State1: AUTO

39. For OverView, select No

40.  Refer to the Discrete Parameter Properties  to change the other parameters as needed.

41.  Press Submit when you are finished entering Data.

42.  Select the Parameter and Block Type List  hyperlink when you are finished creating Parameters.