At least one DATALOG Trend Group must be configured to view Data Log values for all your Tags. Operators and users can add tags to this group or replace them "on-the-fly" in VIEW without loosing data.
The Data Log
Trend Pop-up Dialog Box (F4) will list all these Data
Log Trend Groups automatically.
Datalog Trends are plotted versus Time (the X-axis is Time). Similar to a strip-chart recorder.
Datalog X-Y Plots are plotted versus a selected Tag. Any of the twelve tags can be selected as the X-axis, the other 11 tags are plotted on the Y-axis. Data Log Plots are commonly used to show a relationship between two tags)
The groups provide a fast an efficient way to specific a large number of pre-built Display Trends with names that are meaningful to operators and ordinary users.
The Data Log Trend List can be called
using the <F4> keymacro, the Right-Click Menu or the
Data Log Trend icon on the toolbar.