WebAccess supplies pre-built alarm summary display, alarm groups, alarm log display, and audible alarm notification to the operator of new alarms.
1. Analog-type Tag Alarms providing High-High, High, Low, Low-Low, Rate-of-Change and Deviation Alarms for each Analog point tag in the system including IO Tags, each parameter of a Block, Calculation Points, Accumulation Points, and Constant Point Tags.
2. Discrete Tag Alarms and Digital-type Tag Alarms on the true or false state of the tag. This is for IO Tags, each parameter of a Block, Calculation Points, Accumulation Points, and Constant Point Tags.
3. Alarm Summary Display shows a dynamically updated display of all active alarms. This display is automatically generated. It displays all active unacknowledged alarms in flashing red and active acknowledged alarms in blue. These colors can be changed by the user. Once an alarm “clears” it is removed from the alarm summary display.
4. Prioritizing Alarms with 99 alarm priorities. Alarms can be sorted by rank of priority on the alarm summary page to enable operators to see the most important alarms first.
5. Sorting Alarms by Time, Priority, Group, Acknowledge State on alarm summary displays.
6. Filtering Alarms from other nodes or by Priority or Acknowledge state. The Alarm Summary provides filtering of alarms. By disabling Alarm priorities, these disabled alarms will not show in the alarm summary display.
7. Alarm Log generates a running display of all alarms in chronological order. The user can select to have this alarm log printed to a printer, to a file on the hard drive and written to a database. This is Local to the SCADA node.
8. Alarm Groups can be configured in any logical arrangement. These are user configurable. The user can display alarm groups using automatically generated alarm group displays. An alarm group is typically a process unit in a multi-process facility.
9. Individual Alarm Suppression of any tag. The user can disable alarms from being reported individually. This allows nuisance alarms to be removed when a unit or process is shutdown or out of service.
10. Alarm Graphic is configurable for each tag in the system. From the alarm summary display, the operator can call up this Alarm Graphic with a single mouse click. The Alarm Graphic can be any graphic display in the system. Typically, it is a process graphic giving the operator the most information on the cause or solution to the alarm condition.
11. Flashing and Color of Values on Displays. Operator graphics display alarms by changing the color of numeric, text and state values. The colors can change and flash based on alarm, acknowledge state, and priority of the alarm.
12. Block Alarming is provided when using Block-type tags. On process graphics, the displayed parameter can change color and flash indicating the alarm-state of another parameter in the same block. For example, measurement can flash read when there is a high output alarm, although the output is not indicated on the display.
13. Pre-configured alarm indication in Widgets and Faceplate supplied in the symbols library allows users to build graphic display elements with alarm display features already incorporated into them.
14. Alarm indication on pre-built System Displays and Dialog Boxes including Point List (i.e. Point Browser), Trends, Overview Display, Group Displays, Point Detail Displays and Block Detail Displays.
15. Status Bar Alarms -There are four (4) Alarm windows in Status Bar at the base of all displays.
16. Alarm Limits Changeable On-line, in Runtime VIEW, from Point Detail Display and Point Browser, protected by Security Level. Alarm limits can also be changed by scripts and programs. These property changes can take place from both the client and the SCADA nodes.
17. Alarm Acknowledgment is provided through the standard toolbar on every display, the Alarm Summary and Alarm Group displays, Point Info Dialog Box, and user-built displays, pushbuttons, key macros and scripts.
18. Email notification of Alarms is a standard feature in WebAccess. No third party software is required. Tags can be individually selected to generate an email, assigned recipient email address or use global email recipients.
19. Schedule Alarm Email recipients by Shift or Day. The scheduler can schedule different email recipients based on Time of day, shift, Day of Week, and Holiday schedules.
20. Local Alarm Beep is provided using the system speaker on the Personal Computer of all Clients (including Web Browser Clients). A sound card is not required. The tone and duration is configurable. This audible annunciator is coordinated with unacknowledged alarms.
21. Text-to-Speech Alarm Annunciation - Text-to-Speech technology Annunciates alarms locally on the SCADA node and on Clients. Users must install Text-to-Speech software on the clients manually (it is not part of the client plug-in); its is automatically installed on the SCADA node via node software. A choice of male and female voices reads the Tag name, description, Alarm Type, Alarm Limit and Alarm Value. No recording is required by the user. A sound card and speaker is required.
22. Alarm Suppression Tag - The Associate Tag suppresses the alarms for a tag when the Associate Tag is in alarm. The Associate Tag is usually the “more important” alarm. The Associate Tag is used to suppress nuisance alarms and help operators identify the cause of upset conditions.
23. Reply Email to Acknowledge Alarms. If a POP3 Email account is configured in SCADA node properties, by replying to the Alarm Notification Email, the alarm will be acknowledged.
24. Media Files (.wav, .mid, .mp3, etc.) played for Alarm Annunciation. - Pre-recorded media files can Annunciate alarms locally on the SCADA node and on Clients. Users must install media player software on the clients and SCADA node (it is not part of the client plug-in or SCADA node software). Recording is required by the user. A sound card and speaker is required.
25. Alarm triggered Scripts. Script files can run once when tag goes into an alarm state. Script files in TCL, JScript, VBScript, JScript encoded, or VBScript encoded formats are all supported. A script can run as a local screen script by pre-appending the file name with local!. The script file be run once as a local script inside the first available ViewDAQ, if any, on the SCADA node and inside the first available View client on each computer connecting to the SCADA node. If the local! option is not specified , the script file will be run once as a global script inside the global script engine on the SCADA node when tag is in the alarm state the script is associated with. For more information see sections 7.17 Alarm Triggered Scripts and 12.Scripts.