9.3        System Template Displays

WebAccess provide Pre-built System Displays, that gives you and "Out-of-the-Box" solution that is application ready. You don't need to build graphics at all. 

You can use the pre-built displays that come with WebAccess to view very Tag and Block, trend and alarm in your database, without ever building a single graphic. Of course, you can modify and customize theses default displays.

These displays are "template" displays: one display that acts as if it were hundreds of displays. The pre-built Template Displays include:

Alarm Summary Display - shows all current and unacknowledged alarms. Alarms can be sorted (time, priority, name etc) and filtered.

Alarm Log - shows a history of the last 10,000 alarms.

Alarm Groups - pre-defined groups of tags commonly used to temporarily disable alarming while parts of the system are taken out of service.

Change Log - shows a history of the last 10,000 operator actions including logins, changes tags, and recipe downloads.

Data Log Trend Display  - Historical Trends of 12 tags at a time. Tags can be mixed and matched on the fly during run-time without loosing historical data. 

Real-time Trend display - short-term trends that are not written to the hard drive, for values that do not need log term storage (for example tuning parameters)

Faceplate Group Display - group displays of tags and blocks that built quickly from a group list defined by engineers and technicians. The default are text-only displays, but can be modified to include graphical "faceplate" type displays.  Similar to those found in DCS systems.

Overview Displays - provides overview of the 'faceplate" group" display. The default are text-only displays, but can be modified to include graphical "faceplate" type displays.  Similar to those found in DCS systems.

Point Detail Displays - Three standard Point Detail displays allow every tag to be viewed:

Analog Point Detail for Analog Type Tags,

Digital Point Detail for Digital and Discrete type tags, and

Text Point Detail for Text type Data.  The Detail displays include Description, Alarms Alarm Limit Scale, Engineering units and about 30 fields associated with each tag.

Recipe Display - Allows users and operators to view, modify and download recipes.