To allow users to Change the value of a Tag (for example, to enter a setpoint or start a motor), WebAccess provides a pop-up Dialog Boxes. There are three Change Dialog Boxes : Analog, Discrete and Text.
Double-clicking any tag that is "pick-able" on an Display will open the Change Dialog Box. If the user does not have the Security (Area and Level), a password Dialog box opens first, then the Change Dialog Box.
The design of the Dialog Boxes allows users to enter Data using:
· Mouse,
· Touch Panel
· or Keyboard.
The Change Dialog Box also provides:
· An "Exit" button which cancels any input
· A "Hold Output" button that allows users to review their entry before Entering the data. This "Holds" any "Outputs" until the operator has a chance to review the number and confirm the change by pressing the ENTER key. This implements a two step process to prevent accidental changes in values to tags.
· An Enter Key
· Ramp Keys (Ramp Up Ramp Down) and Slider Bars for Analog Type Data
· The name of the Tag (and its Tag Field) displayed in the Title Bar.
Multiple ways to open the Change Dialog Box are:
· Double-Click a "pick able" tag on a Display
· The Change Button on the Point Info Dialog Box (Tag Browser)
Click a Tag once, then icon on the default Toolbar (useful to
touch panels that are hard to double click)
· Click a Tag once, then Ctrl + F3 on the keyboard (useful for touch panels that are hard to double click)
· Click a Tag once, then a pushbutton with the <CTL_F3> keymacro on a Display.