
Mod is a built-in scripting function that gets the remainder from a division operation.

Function Group Execution Windows Embedded Thin Client
Mod Arithmetic Synchronous Supported Supported Supported
Group Execution Windows PC Windows CE Thin Client
Arithmetic Synchronous Supported Supported Supported


Mod( numNumerator, numDenominator )
Integer or Real tag containing the Numerator of the function.
Integer or Real tag containing the Denominator of the function.

Returned value

Returns the remainder (as a real number) after dividing numNumerator by numDenominator.

Tip: Use the Div function to get the whole number dividend of the operation.


Tag Name Expression
Tag Mod( 50, 4 ) // Returned value = 2
Tag Mod( 16, 4 ) // Returned value = 0
Tag Mod( 100, 8.2 ) // Returned value = 1.600